Web Building Tips For Search Engine Optimization
Today Seo Tutorial help you to build your website with some simple tip which help you to come from rush and rank top in google which help you to and google recognize your page that is contextual link and those link which you forget to use when you create your web pages I mean to say most of the web designer link to home with index.html that is totally out of focus thing in seo but point is when google is search and robot crawled your web page code then they found index.html which should be replace with your url that is the main link and google consider it as a different link that’s is why your site page two different url one is simple home page and second one is your index.html which should be home page so try to make a web page which only have the url not index.html so try to do it with all other pages so ever you made a webpage just consider it to take url not file name and all image should have alt tags and page should be as low as it appears in result in load fast because so many web designers made a beautiful pages but their page took too much time to load that the main problem that’s why bounce rate goes up and people got irritate to open it so page should be as much low as good for seo and one more important thing is that page should have easily understandable that mean is if visitor ever come he or she can understand where they want to go it doesn’t look too much bee hive so try to look great navigation and great light colors which can keep our eyes catchy towards the page and make sure don’t mix the text colors and don’t try to hide a content because if you done it and caught by google your will be penalize by google and your web site kick through out from google index and you ever did not get and kind of traffic from google and if you ever penalize by google so I want to suggest that just purchase another domain name because google will not here your appeal to reconsider your site and because google engineers doesn’t have too much time to look at your site they are too busy people so don’t ever try to cheat google because google is much and much more smarter then you. All the best happy seoing…..